
Advantage Grammar, Gr. 7, eBook

High-Interest Skill Building for Home and School!

The Advantage Grammar series helps prepare students to communicate effectively as writers. Students learn how to craft sentences and paragraphs for various purposes and even edit their own work! Great for ESL/ELL! With added instructions, these are also great for home use! They receive instruction and practice in many key writing skills, including:

  • grammar
  • usage
  • punctuation
  • capitalization
  • spelling
  • combining and expanding sentences
  • paragraph structure

The content of each lesson is strongly linked to the content area curriculum for the grade level, so students learn about science, social studies, and literature as they learn to write. The series will also prepare students to perform successfully on language and writing sections of proficiency and standardized tests.

Skill Review and Reinforcement
If you choose a grade-level book equal to the grade your child is currently in or has just finished, use the book to:

  • reinforce skills being taught in the classroom throughout the year
  • keep your child’s skills fresh over the summer

Extra Challenge and Enrichment
If you choose a grade level book beyond the grade your child is currently in or has just finished, use the book to:

  • provide enrichment and an extra challenge during the school year
  • give your child a summer preview of what’s to come in school next year

Whether you use this resource for your child to practice familiar skills or to learn new ones, the extra advantage will make a difference!

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